Sunday, January 21, 2007

3038 close calls "1 strike"

Life goes on……It really does. The sun came up and my dogs still lick my face.
So far… most days start about 5 hours after I fall asleep. So the key is staying up as late as possible. What is great is that I fall asleep pretty easy and sleep pretty darn sound till about the 5 hour mark.

I saw a Neuro-Surgeon this week and he pointed out that I am pretty darn lucky.….But it could be so much worse. All signs at the moment are pointing to a full recovery. April 5th is “D-day”
I can take the TLSO brace off at 12 weeks.

The first few days I was all smiles and jokes. I have to say I was probably trying to cover up how scared I was. I was a few millimeters away from some damage to my spinal cord that would have been hard to repair. I cried several times the first week mainly out of fear. I got a great card from some climbing friends back east. Inside it just said “congrats we heard you can get an errection.” Thinking of you, Adam and Angie…
Sometimes it is the small things that make the difference.
So far I don’t miss training on the bike or riding the snowboard. I really miss running with my dogs and spooning my wife at night. Those are the 2 things I would certainly miss the most if this was permanent.
Yesterday while out walking it really hit me that for 30 years I have always bounced back up after every fall. This time I couldn’t say the words “wow that was close” so I think I was given a 2nd chance or sorts. Really this is about my 3038th chance if you ad up all the close calls. But unlike the other times I will remember this one for a long time. If all goes well I will back in some way or another by summer. I don’t see me catching big air or diving into a corner at full speed for awhile. 3038 chances so far and I am not in a hurry to see what 3039 will be.