Sunday, November 27, 2005

Snow in Pocatello Winter 2005/2006

Well the day after T-Day we were hit with 14 inches of snow in town. I guess winter is here. Diesel and Rufus just loved it. Pocatello is a pretty sweet place in the winter. I am going to post as many Pocatello shots as I can. Stay tuned.

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Cyclocross Season 2005

WOW! 12 races later and I am still getting my butt kicked. I have had some solid days and have managed not to have as many wrecks as last year. Still tons of flat tires. For those of you who don't race cross.... i don't blame you a bit. Running a biking don't mix but for some reason Cyclocross has taken the U.S. by storm.


STU, is off to Belgium to drink beer and and ride cobbles. I think Stu will return as a super hero or in a body bag. I have to admit I am a bit jealous but at the same time racing in the cold and wind for 3 months doesn't sound like much of a vacation. Enjoy and be safe.

Friday, November 18, 2005

Back in the Day Rock Climbing

How can I blog with out a few climbing pics. Greg(big-H) and Bentley still climbing hard. After seeing their Blogs I just had to fire one out. Two of the nicest guys you will ever meet.


Jason J. and Lance

Kris W. Winning Nationals!
Mark about to break his bike!

Thursday, November 17, 2005


Karen and I moved to Pocatello Idaho just a little over a year ago. I thought posting a blog might be a great way to stay visible to a few close friends. I will try to let the pictures tell the story, but I will be sure to ad some text for your reading pleasure.
Here is Karen @ city creek bike trail. The white speck off in the distance is the ISU Dome just a few blocks from our house and the HUB of the Climbing Universe Krieg Climbing.