Wednesday, May 02, 2007

May 2nd Ben's B-Day

My bro's birthday is today. Damn I miss that guy. Last year I sent him an email... but this year it bounced back as "undeliverable". I guess emails don't last forever. It would be his 32nd birthday today. I turn 31 later this month. Growing up most people thought we were twins.
Ben just had a smile that I will never forget. Almost a grin that said
"don't worry about it.....It will all workout"
I don't care if he was on the Titanic or on the roof of the World Trade Center. He would have had that grin. It was infectious...... and sometimes his optimism made me so mad. He would be broke, and literally running on fumes......But in his mind he was only a few days away from the next big thing................. The guy just never quit.
I remember last year on his birthday I was sitting on a curb watching a crit at the GILA in New Mexico, and this guy walked up and said "Hey, are you Ben Krieg's brother". I almost started to cry. It ended up being a college friend of Ben's who learned to ride and race from him. Here we are in southern New Mexico, and a fraternity brother from Iowa picks me out of a crowd. Maybe it was the grin?
Ben W. Krieg 1975-2006